Osteopathic Treatment and Services

Osteopathic Treatment

Osteopathy considers the body as a unit (AT Still). We look at the body as one then narrow into where you have discomfort, pain and dysfunction. We specialise in treating muscles, joints and nerve impingements. We treat these pathologies using soft tissue techniques, articulation, spinal and extremity manipulation/ adjustment (where the joint can make an audible click) and rehabilitation exercises.

What to expect in your first appointment:

We will be asking questions about your lifestyle, work and medical history. Followed by a postal examination where we look at the feet, knees, pelvis and spine. Depending on your symptoms we will then perform special test to determine the diagnosis. Once we have concluded a diagnosis we will treat the affected area (in some cases we may refer you to your doctor if your diagnosis is something that we can not treat using manual therapy) .

What to wear? There will be an examination so wear appropriate underwear that you are comfortable in, alternatively you can wear loose shorts.

What to bring? Due to Covid please bring your own towel.

What happens when I book online? When you book online you will receive a confirmation email. In this email there will be forms, please fill out the form applicable to you. If you have trouble please contact us. You will also receive a reminder 24hrs before. Please check you spam folder.

Advances Sports Massage

Advanced Sports Massage is a combination of deep soft tissue massage, Osteopathy and Medical cupping. This treatment is designed for those that don’t have a specific injury but looking to get help with the aches and pains. This may include postal fatigue from work related strains or Sports related fatigue/ tension. Advanced sports massage can be a great compliments to other healthcare professional- physiotherapy, Chiropractors and Osteopathy.

Lucy has a Masters Degree in Osteopathy and level 3 diploma in Sports Massage, with the extensive training to become an Osteopath you will be receiving expert advice with the reassurance that your aches and pains are musculoskeletal. If Lucy suspects your symptoms are related from another source she will be able to guide you.

Your First appointment will include a postural assessment of the area being treated.

Advance sports massage £60

Foot Orthotics

Adnormal foot function might affect our kinetic chain this includes your ankle, knees, hips and spine. Othrotics are designed based upon the degree of you abnormal foot function, activity level, physical stature and the type of footwear you wear.

Initial consultation includes examination and assessment of your feet. This will involve standing bare feet, whilst Jemma marks certain landmarks on the front and back of your feet/ankle. You may be asked to walk up and down in a straight line.  
Once a diagnosis has been made, Jemma will recommend the appropriate orthotic, then mould them to your feet, using the shoes you want them in. 

Please note If the correct insole for you are not in stock, they will be ordered in specifically for you and asked to come back for a second appointment (there will be NO additional charge for the return visit).

Please note: No discounts can be used with this appointment.

Medical cupping

Medical cupping therapy is an alternative form of treatment. At Osteopathy and You we use both static cups (with no heat) and massage cups. Massage cups cover a wider range of the affected area and static cups are localised. It is used to assist with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation.